Wednesday, January 11, 2006

In terms of...

Ok, ( Shucks why I do keep saying ok, ok so frequently- incidently I also say shucks a lot). ok, I wanted to talk about my prof now. There is this marketing prof I have, he is great guy, very knowledgeable & all that ( PGP from A and FPM from A = Note "A" is IIMA in MBA lingo, btw incase you want to know X or XL is XLRI).

anyways so ok what I wanted to say was this prof is like great and all that, but the problem is that keeps saying the phrase "in terms of " "in terms of" like in every sentence he speaks, its ok, but you know its kind of jarring, when u r in deep sleep. For him everything is " in terms of this " or "in terms of that". when actually in reality he doesnt seriously mean to say "in terms of" whatever. For example the other day he was explaining brand management to us and was telling us.

HLL has got a great brand " in terms of " in pepsodent but " in terms of" toothpaste. It has got a low marketshare "in terms of" having "in the terms" highest revenue .. ha ha...

but the best was he finally said. so thats all I have to say in terms of that. ( that is, what.. god knows. )

Again now " in terms of ", (shucks I am beginning to get his habit) you know when you like the subject, in terms of ( here I go again) getting highly addictive to the subject that you tend to catch the professor style of speaking and mannerisms. anyway one day, as usual as I was dreaming in class and thinking about how many paradoxes people still believe in this world, which they still dont yet know is false. Like everyone used to believe that earth is the centre of the world, until one fine morning, it was proven false. so like which how many still exist in the world which are unaware of, and stil believe it to be true. .....zzzzzz....................... ( wooof, the things people think of when they are really bored... huh..)

anyway I was so bored that particular class that I started counting the number of " in terms of" my prof says, like you know how we count boogies in a goods train, when you are absolutely absolutely bored & got nothing else to do. I counted about 56 " in terms of" before I zzz.zzz.. Now I need to improve my will power and not doze of, and finish counting his average " in terms of" before the end of my term.


At Wednesday, January 11, 2006 11:03:00 AM, Blogger Craze Maze said...

Dont bore me with such blogs..

At Wednesday, January 11, 2006 1:16:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was enjoyable "in terms of"... hey great job Sathish.

At Wednesday, January 11, 2006 1:56:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are very fluent writer. Its like talking to you :-) keep posting more such blogs..

At Wednesday, January 11, 2006 2:23:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dey ashok dubuku vaya.. sathish blog ku enna da kurachal.. un blog oda super than iruku.. ne modala, natule mokkaiya poduratha niruthu, aparam avan a soluviyan

At Wednesday, January 11, 2006 7:38:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey satish, ur blog is good in terms of.
- yours loving,
in terms of.


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