Friday, May 19, 2006

Punch me and I'll Bleed.

Have you seen spider man 2. Saw it the fifth time yesterday,

You know what's in the movie, it’s a story about how poor Spidey looses everything, (but only till the climax where he gets everything back and much more) , but anyway when he loses things what happens is

§ He does bad in studies ( though he is very intelligent) - Just like me
§ Mid way thru the movie, he no longer can fly - Just like me, I never could.
§ Again mid way thru he can no longer climb walls - Just like me, I only climb stairs.
§ He wears a specs- just like me.
§ His best friend is Mary Jane, who doesn’t know - hmm just like me
§ He lives all alone in a big city - Just like me in B'lore now.
§ He hates evil- yuck, just like me, I too hate evil.
§ He is good and smart looking- I am good and Ok I am somewhere there on the smart looking part. ( and I wont accept whatever you say)

And before I feel that's where the similarity ends, cause then in the movie suddenly he receives his powers all again and becomes spidey again. And I am just Sathish, old ( ok not so old, quite young) Sathish Muthu.

and just as peter parker tells MJ.

"Punch me and I’ll bleed."


At Friday, May 19, 2006 11:10:00 AM, Blogger Craze Maze said...

Wait... lets see whether you fly or not..


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