Friday, January 13, 2006

Null and void.

There is this particular post on my friend (Ashok's) blog which I like very much.. It was written by him in memory of his girl friend, and it was kind of sweet. I so much wish his love to be a success. so wanted to post it here in my blog for eternity, so here it ...

‘In life there are a lot of things that you never forget. You are the only thing that I never want to forget.’
- A dialogue from Leo da Mirci’s movie “Dreams always remain dreams’.

Whenever I talk, I want to talk about you.
Whenever I write, I want to write about you.
Whenever I go out with friends, I wish it were you and me alone.
Whenever I walk alone, I wish you were there to talk with me.
Whenever people congratulate me, I wish you were around giving me a smile.
Whenever I experience newness, I wish you were by my side.
Whenever I watch a movie, I wish I could talk to you about it.
Whenever I write something on my diary, I wish I could share it with you in the future.
Whenever I see a girl in a saree, I imagine how you would look in it.
Whenever a girl talks to me, I wish there was only one girl in the world and it was you.
Whenever I look at my photograph, I wish we both were there in it.
Whenever I think, I think of you.
Whatever I read, I get reminded of you.
Whenever I think of you, I am afraid of losing you.
Whenever I am alone, I wish 'I' were 'We'.
Whenever I cry, I wish I had your shoulder.
Whenever I go to class, I wish you were in my class.
Whenever I have chocolates, I remember that we have a lot in common.
Whenever I hear songs, I remember our favorite song.
Whenever I read poems, I remember that we love the same poets.
Whenever I hear somebody speak, I think of how well you can speak.
Whenever I see children, I imagine how you would look carrying a baby.
Wherever I see beauty, I wish you were there to make it more beautiful.
Wherever I see white, I imagine you in the white night dress, when you looked like an angel.

Quizzes, Competitions, English, Poems, Children, Chocolates, Crosswords, Sudoku, Medicine, Basketball, Presentations, Movies, Music, Colours, Flowers - everything remind me of you.

Whenever it is, wherever I am, whatever I do, you are always there with me, in my thoughts. Never go away from me. Even if you think of it, I'll die. Even when I die, I want you to be near me, by my side. With me, always.

I wrote this a long time back... I thought I would share this with her and only with her.
Now, that I lost the only thing that I ever wanted to have in my life... it is here... in this blog having no meaning; null and void.

hmm, hope you liked it too.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

In terms of...

Ok, ( Shucks why I do keep saying ok, ok so frequently- incidently I also say shucks a lot). ok, I wanted to talk about my prof now. There is this marketing prof I have, he is great guy, very knowledgeable & all that ( PGP from A and FPM from A = Note "A" is IIMA in MBA lingo, btw incase you want to know X or XL is XLRI).

anyways so ok what I wanted to say was this prof is like great and all that, but the problem is that keeps saying the phrase "in terms of " "in terms of" like in every sentence he speaks, its ok, but you know its kind of jarring, when u r in deep sleep. For him everything is " in terms of this " or "in terms of that". when actually in reality he doesnt seriously mean to say "in terms of" whatever. For example the other day he was explaining brand management to us and was telling us.

HLL has got a great brand " in terms of " in pepsodent but " in terms of" toothpaste. It has got a low marketshare "in terms of" having "in the terms" highest revenue .. ha ha...

but the best was he finally said. so thats all I have to say in terms of that. ( that is, what.. god knows. )

Again now " in terms of ", (shucks I am beginning to get his habit) you know when you like the subject, in terms of ( here I go again) getting highly addictive to the subject that you tend to catch the professor style of speaking and mannerisms. anyway one day, as usual as I was dreaming in class and thinking about how many paradoxes people still believe in this world, which they still dont yet know is false. Like everyone used to believe that earth is the centre of the world, until one fine morning, it was proven false. so like which how many still exist in the world which are unaware of, and stil believe it to be true. .....zzzzzz....................... ( wooof, the things people think of when they are really bored... huh..)

anyway I was so bored that particular class that I started counting the number of " in terms of" my prof says, like you know how we count boogies in a goods train, when you are absolutely absolutely bored & got nothing else to do. I counted about 56 " in terms of" before I zzz.zzz.. Now I need to improve my will power and not doze of, and finish counting his average " in terms of" before the end of my term.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

chalo.. I am back

Chalo, I am back....

Back from where??? ........ dont know. it depends on where u believe I have been, physically I have been to chennai and was back a couple of weeks ago itself.. but then mentally it depends again and how much you know me before and what I am now..

but before that.. there is a lot I want to talk about, first things first.

I read this book called Alchemist ( guess the book is far more famous than my blog so no intro's here). well this book impressed me, cause it mimicks, most of my thought. It talks about how life is, as it is..... and that is, things happen they way there are.. and you got to believe that, there are few things in life you can change and which you must sincerely attempt to change.. ( yeah like your acads. seriously guys, I think if you work hard you should get some good grades, though I haven got any emperical proof myself, I have heard it from many ppl that it works, so may be it should, try).

anyway where was I ( exactly where I left dumbo.. ).. that there are certain things you can change in life and certain things you cant.. so just leave it as it. there is no use bothering about it, just leave it.

yeah ok, end of post.. log off now.... .. ........ I know this is such a stupid post and truthfully I posted this, just to tell that I am back ,like how sachin comes back from long long break and scores a 20 and gets out.. this is just one such blog. Now here, I promise to write more interesting things in future.. even though I am working for nearly 10-12 hrs a day on my completing my MBA ( didnt I tell you my grades sucks in the second term and I got to make up for whatever I lost in the second term, by working double as hard), I sure shall try to think of something interesting and write.

Chalo then..
Sathish for once.