Saturday, June 09, 2007


Breathe, breathe in the air.
Don't be afraid to care.
Leave but don't leave me.
Look around and choose your own ground.

Long you live and high you fly
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
And all you touch and all you see Is all your life will ever be.

Run, rabbit run.
Dig that hole, forget the sun,
And when at last the work is done
Don't sit down it's time to dig another one.

For long you live and high you fly
But only if you ride the tide
And balanced on the biggest wave
You race towards an early grave.

Friday, March 30, 2007

No blog posts for a long time.

STATUARY WARNING: Time is precious.... read ahead at your own peril

I know I havent blogged for a long time.... I was thinking and

1) maybe I stopped blogging, cause I am busy
2) maybe because no one reads it. ( ok now dont go put a sarcastic comment on this one, I am so much over this, to be bothered by sarcastic comments)
3) maybe bcause I keep thinking why does anyone have to know, how and what I feel .( its ok when I was in college, and where blogging used to be like an IN thing and you are dud or something, if u cant even blog)
4) or bcause I just dont feel like it anymore
5) or bcause I was thinking, maybe I should save all my thoughts incase I decide to make a movie or write a autobiography or something out of my life.. .

whatever, today I was reading a blog of a friend of friend of mine... ( u know I was in the "keep clicking moods" where u sit in office and just keep clicking on every hyperlink you see - just for the heck of it) and came across this blog.. I liked it she writes very beautifully. I was impressed and suddenly out of greens ( I hate writing out of the blues, its such a cliche).. , anyway my rustic writing skills were awoken so here I am writing about why I have not been writing..

What crap..

" the chosen one"

Monday, September 04, 2006

Many a months back

Many a days before I use to blog, many a times. Many a visitors came to my blog cause I had many things to say. I was in college, and you know how, there were a many friends and we used to frequently fight over pretty many things. And there was always so many to write about good or bad.

Then one fine day, ….

The college decided that I had done learnt quite a many things- gave me a degree, and decided to call me an alumni.

Many a friends of mine decided, they had enough of me. (some even stopped talking to me - which I still cant quite forgive) and bid me farewell.

My ex-company decided that I had become many times smarter than when I left them and offered me a great job with quite a many a pay hiked.

My parents decided it was getting boring at home and called many of my relatives and got my sister married to nice boy.

I decided that I had blogged for long and actually, not that many really read my blog and took a break.

and finally I think even god decided that for far long, my life was going far too straight and normal, and did flip and fast forwarded many times the pace of my life, like a boring song in movie. And then nobody knows what, many a things happened and here I am now. In gurgaon working with SAP, trying to while away my many useless weekends, really bored and writing a blog trying to use as many many's I can in a blog…. But

…. But I am happier than ever. WHY?

Wait until my next Blog.

The right one.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Littlewood's law:

You know that I was studying this topic called Synchronocity and antisynchronocity. For layman.. Synchronocity* means how certain things are so coincidental that they are beyond explanation. As if they were meant to be… and Anti Synchronocity means how the exact opposite happen and It is so coincidental that everytime things are parallel, They just happen to be the opposite..

Well on my study on the same subject, I recently came across an interesting article called the littlewoods law, which states that an average individual can expect a miracle to happen at the rate of one per month.. And there is a mathematical proof for it as well.

And this miracle though seemingly miraclous for most people, occurs with a reason. :D

Def: Synchronicity

Synchronicity is an interconnection with the Universe with an underlying web of linkages that brings people and events together in a way not based in a traditional comprehension of causality (cause and effect)

PS: read also the " The full Circle " blog on

Squaring the circle

Do you know that it is impossible to square the circle, that is, it is impossible to construct, using compass and straightedge alone, a square whose area is equal to the area of a given circle.

And the reason behind it is that.. π(PI) is transcendental. This means that there is no polynomial with rational coefficients of which π(PI) is a root. An important consequence of the transcendence of π(PI) is the fact that it is not constructible. Because the coordinates of all points that can be constructed with compass and straightedge are constructible numbers, it is impossible to square the circle, since π is the ratio of the circumference of the circle to the diameter.

And the reason why I am suddenly interest in Pi is because I was born on March 14th. ( can you see the relationship). And the same day Albert Einstein was born exactly 99 years ago.. Thus my interest. :)

Friday, May 19, 2006

Punch me and I'll Bleed.

Have you seen spider man 2. Saw it the fifth time yesterday,

You know what's in the movie, it’s a story about how poor Spidey looses everything, (but only till the climax where he gets everything back and much more) , but anyway when he loses things what happens is

§ He does bad in studies ( though he is very intelligent) - Just like me
§ Mid way thru the movie, he no longer can fly - Just like me, I never could.
§ Again mid way thru he can no longer climb walls - Just like me, I only climb stairs.
§ He wears a specs- just like me.
§ His best friend is Mary Jane, who doesn’t know - hmm just like me
§ He lives all alone in a big city - Just like me in B'lore now.
§ He hates evil- yuck, just like me, I too hate evil.
§ He is good and smart looking- I am good and Ok I am somewhere there on the smart looking part. ( and I wont accept whatever you say)

And before I feel that's where the similarity ends, cause then in the movie suddenly he receives his powers all again and becomes spidey again. And I am just Sathish, old ( ok not so old, quite young) Sathish Muthu.

and just as peter parker tells MJ.

"Punch me and I’ll bleed."

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Ninde' :) - The 5th of April

Ninde’ :-) - The 5th of April.

I was in JLT yesterday (what a Irony, it all started there –TO- end there) for over one and half an hour, I wanted to stay more, but I couldn’t. (why did Tony come and pick up the bag early – Who is John Galt ( )

Then I came back to listen ‘Uyire en Uyire’ song. It is quite my favorite song, but I think I no longer will listen to it. Just as some people can’t hear the shrill noise of peacock, I won’t listen to this song anymore. Thought I feel very very happy (and sad at the same time) listening to it. I no longer will listen to it.

First, It should NOT have happened, but it did. Then It should HAVE happened, but It didnt. I don’t understand many things, I can only tell you, that that was best at XL. (Just like the poles in a magnet).

I can’t write more, so I stop here. And tomorrow shall come again. Who knows what the tide brings next. But today I cry.


PS: Call Ashok on a cordless mobile for decodes.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Tour de’ Lance

Tour de’ Lance

Have you guys have you read a book called the "Its not about bike", its written by a certain guy called Lance Armstrong...

I wanted to write about this book, because this happens to one of the best books I have ever read in life (just fyi, I read quite a lot, I would have finished about, say 2000 of your Jeffry Archer style knovels- more or less the complete series of authors like Michael Crichton, Jeff Arch, Ayn rand, Paulo Coelho, a whole room full of hardy boys, Archie’s etc).

Ok but this book particularly impressed me, and you know why, because that Armstrong fellow I spoke about no, he just happens to have

  • won the tour de France in 1999 - and yeah as you might have been aware he had been sick earlier (a little cancer in his testicles which had to be amputated and had a brain surgery too), and yeah if you know, tour de France isn’t just another race, its THE MOST grueling race in the world, - about 2,290 miles of racing- that’s even far'er than distance been Delhi and Chennai- about 2,200 Km which our fastest train in the country take 2 days to complete. So you can imagine how far it is.

Actually what happens is in that particular race, you got some of the worlds most and best professional cyclists coming in and competing there and guess what- forget winning, half the people don’t even finish the race.

  • So book tells about how he not just won "THE RACE" in quotes, caps and bold (which normally itself is pretty tough to finish, imagine winning it after given a 40% chance of survival + having testicle removed + a brain surgery). But also he not just won it once; he just about went on again and won the race for another 6 times- consecutive till about 2005.

There are so many things he says in that book, so many little things, which you want to frame it and keep it right in your room to see every day. Like lemme give u a sampler, this is Para from his book where he says how he got cancer and still had to keep training.

“Some of it is not easy to tell or comfortable to hear. I am not a storybook hero and this is not Disneyland. I'll give an example: I've read that I flew up the hills and mountains of France. But you don’t fly up a hill. You struggle slowly and painfully up a hill, and maybe if you work very hard, you get to the top ahead of everybody else.

Cancer is like that, too. Good strong people get cancer, and they do all the right things to beat it and they still die. I have seen children with no eyelashes or eyebrows, their hair burned away by chemo, but who still fought with the hearts of indurian. (Off quote, do you know who Indurian is, do a google search), I don’t why I am still alive. I can only guess, there are many things I still don’t completely understand, and all I can do is tell you, what happened’. End quote.

Infact it’s so superb that, once you finish, you look very small in front of what he's done. Like we cant we wake up on the alarm in one ring (or at least I cant).. Sic how depressing.

Actually you know what, don’t listen to me, JUST go buy this book, cause if at the end of your life if you have done endured and done atleast one tenth what lance had gone and done, trust me you would already be a great guy.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

So, what exactly is bird flu?

See the objective of this post is very simple.. There is one of my earlier post which I want to remove, for which I am posting some crap post. I don’t even know what I am posting, but still read this and keep refreshing your browser so that you don’t see my earlier posts.. see this very important so just do what I said.

anyway so what exactly is bird flu?

who knows and who cares....

Yeah I still eat chicken if you want to know, ( & for those of you, who wish only the very best for me, dont worry, there has not been a single case of anybody being affected by bird flu till date in India). btw just for your info, me and chicken go a long way together. I have had it, long before I know any of you, so dont go advicing me of being veg, I love my chicken more than my girlfriend ( not that I have one, but I am putting it just for effects).


PS: yeah I knows its ages( I had my birthday in between, so it really ages..., since I posted something, ) but you know I am so so busy these days. I have atleast 5 posts in drafts ready(including my now infamous kadalai blog post), so just keep coming back, I'll be right before you can pronounce floccinaucinihilipilification - which incidently is official longest word in english)

Thursday, February 16, 2006


For my seven elements at XL

OK, I am not your typical sentimental type guy (you know how I always deny that, I am not senti, but fact is I am………..ok not so much, but just about a wee bit ) but I am on a holiday now and I was thinking of all that that has happened over the past 8 months I have been here at XL,

Well its an ironic life and lemme tell you my story here.

Call it the Einstein's theory of relativity ( or Whatever that means), I have spent about just over a 8 months with them, but it feels like I know them for years and have been with them for years. And then I know I would be with them for only another month or so, but it feels like I'll be with them for years for long.

  • There are my seven elements, without whom I don’t think I can be without seeing even for half a day. ( I don’t remember last, when we were in campus and I didn’t have a lunch or a dinner with them). I shall miss them terribly but I know I can be without them. ( I guess, there isn't nuthing much I can do about :( ). Ironic.

  • There are friends here, whom I speak like to for, like 5 hrs a day daily ( I don’t remember when last I had spoken to somebody for that long) and there are friends I meet everyday for hours and don’t speak a word to them at all ( again I don’t remember last when I know someone and not spoken a word to them- maybe never), it is ironic

  • I am in a class ( and too their Representative) of which I don’t remember the names of the half the ppl who are in my class (seriously), But I think I can name almost everyone of them in other batches in my college ( Sr / Jr both) , Ironic.

  • There are people here, who I think, know and like me pretty much ( My dearest pal JK dedicated a blog to me :), Me and Ashok sit and solve puzzles together for hours, .. and I felt so happy - guess its always nice when somebody says they would like to be your pal) and there people, I think, would hate me so much for what I am, ( again its always tough, when somebody just hates you). But then life is fair.

  • I think I have fought with almost everyone of them, and been very close to everyone ( give or take a few, I think I know everyone's deepest secret ), it’s a ironic, how you can know so much about someone so soon. - but then I guess you can be like that only with your closest pal's
  • It makes me jealous to know that they would be having all the night outs, dinners, outings, birthday parties, night canteen's, daddu's chai, tomaxi parties, dum sessions, chat sessions, CCD's, Taxi dinners without me, but then it makes me feel happy that they are enjoying and really having fun of thier life.

  • Given a choice, I might spend the rest of my life here, with these wonderful people at this wonderful college, but then again I might not. ( maybe because I cant )

Its been like the proverbial roller coaster ride for me here, I have had some of the best of times of my life here and some of the worst days of my life. I have had the best laugh here, and have cried (literally) here, I wish I live this life again, and I wish I don’t …. Its an Ironic life, Months back I wrote a poem ( actually Alanis wrote it, I just copied it), called the Ironic but didn’t realize it might happen to me so soon and so fast.

The Chosen One

Friday, January 13, 2006

Null and void.

There is this particular post on my friend (Ashok's) blog which I like very much.. It was written by him in memory of his girl friend, and it was kind of sweet. I so much wish his love to be a success. so wanted to post it here in my blog for eternity, so here it ...

‘In life there are a lot of things that you never forget. You are the only thing that I never want to forget.’
- A dialogue from Leo da Mirci’s movie “Dreams always remain dreams’.

Whenever I talk, I want to talk about you.
Whenever I write, I want to write about you.
Whenever I go out with friends, I wish it were you and me alone.
Whenever I walk alone, I wish you were there to talk with me.
Whenever people congratulate me, I wish you were around giving me a smile.
Whenever I experience newness, I wish you were by my side.
Whenever I watch a movie, I wish I could talk to you about it.
Whenever I write something on my diary, I wish I could share it with you in the future.
Whenever I see a girl in a saree, I imagine how you would look in it.
Whenever a girl talks to me, I wish there was only one girl in the world and it was you.
Whenever I look at my photograph, I wish we both were there in it.
Whenever I think, I think of you.
Whatever I read, I get reminded of you.
Whenever I think of you, I am afraid of losing you.
Whenever I am alone, I wish 'I' were 'We'.
Whenever I cry, I wish I had your shoulder.
Whenever I go to class, I wish you were in my class.
Whenever I have chocolates, I remember that we have a lot in common.
Whenever I hear songs, I remember our favorite song.
Whenever I read poems, I remember that we love the same poets.
Whenever I hear somebody speak, I think of how well you can speak.
Whenever I see children, I imagine how you would look carrying a baby.
Wherever I see beauty, I wish you were there to make it more beautiful.
Wherever I see white, I imagine you in the white night dress, when you looked like an angel.

Quizzes, Competitions, English, Poems, Children, Chocolates, Crosswords, Sudoku, Medicine, Basketball, Presentations, Movies, Music, Colours, Flowers - everything remind me of you.

Whenever it is, wherever I am, whatever I do, you are always there with me, in my thoughts. Never go away from me. Even if you think of it, I'll die. Even when I die, I want you to be near me, by my side. With me, always.

I wrote this a long time back... I thought I would share this with her and only with her.
Now, that I lost the only thing that I ever wanted to have in my life... it is here... in this blog having no meaning; null and void.

hmm, hope you liked it too.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

In terms of...

Ok, ( Shucks why I do keep saying ok, ok so frequently- incidently I also say shucks a lot). ok, I wanted to talk about my prof now. There is this marketing prof I have, he is great guy, very knowledgeable & all that ( PGP from A and FPM from A = Note "A" is IIMA in MBA lingo, btw incase you want to know X or XL is XLRI).

anyways so ok what I wanted to say was this prof is like great and all that, but the problem is that keeps saying the phrase "in terms of " "in terms of" like in every sentence he speaks, its ok, but you know its kind of jarring, when u r in deep sleep. For him everything is " in terms of this " or "in terms of that". when actually in reality he doesnt seriously mean to say "in terms of" whatever. For example the other day he was explaining brand management to us and was telling us.

HLL has got a great brand " in terms of " in pepsodent but " in terms of" toothpaste. It has got a low marketshare "in terms of" having "in the terms" highest revenue .. ha ha...

but the best was he finally said. so thats all I have to say in terms of that. ( that is, what.. god knows. )

Again now " in terms of ", (shucks I am beginning to get his habit) you know when you like the subject, in terms of ( here I go again) getting highly addictive to the subject that you tend to catch the professor style of speaking and mannerisms. anyway one day, as usual as I was dreaming in class and thinking about how many paradoxes people still believe in this world, which they still dont yet know is false. Like everyone used to believe that earth is the centre of the world, until one fine morning, it was proven false. so like which how many still exist in the world which are unaware of, and stil believe it to be true. .....zzzzzz....................... ( wooof, the things people think of when they are really bored... huh..)

anyway I was so bored that particular class that I started counting the number of " in terms of" my prof says, like you know how we count boogies in a goods train, when you are absolutely absolutely bored & got nothing else to do. I counted about 56 " in terms of" before I zzz.zzz.. Now I need to improve my will power and not doze of, and finish counting his average " in terms of" before the end of my term.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

chalo.. I am back

Chalo, I am back....

Back from where??? ........ dont know. it depends on where u believe I have been, physically I have been to chennai and was back a couple of weeks ago itself.. but then mentally it depends again and how much you know me before and what I am now..

but before that.. there is a lot I want to talk about, first things first.

I read this book called Alchemist ( guess the book is far more famous than my blog so no intro's here). well this book impressed me, cause it mimicks, most of my thought. It talks about how life is, as it is..... and that is, things happen they way there are.. and you got to believe that, there are few things in life you can change and which you must sincerely attempt to change.. ( yeah like your acads. seriously guys, I think if you work hard you should get some good grades, though I haven got any emperical proof myself, I have heard it from many ppl that it works, so may be it should, try).

anyway where was I ( exactly where I left dumbo.. ).. that there are certain things you can change in life and certain things you cant.. so just leave it as it. there is no use bothering about it, just leave it.

yeah ok, end of post.. log off now.... .. ........ I know this is such a stupid post and truthfully I posted this, just to tell that I am back ,like how sachin comes back from long long break and scores a 20 and gets out.. this is just one such blog. Now here, I promise to write more interesting things in future.. even though I am working for nearly 10-12 hrs a day on my completing my MBA ( didnt I tell you my grades sucks in the second term and I got to make up for whatever I lost in the second term, by working double as hard), I sure shall try to think of something interesting and write.

Chalo then..
Sathish for once.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Arbit Post

Taking a break from my blogging.. last week was tough..... got lot of work to do this week and for about a month on. so guess no posts shall up till maybe the Dec 13th.

Moreover.. natule ezhu vikaravan, punaku vikaravan ellam blog ezhutha arambichutan.. so no more enthu..

cya when i get back..



Thursday, November 10, 2005


"Hmmm..." thats my usual filler phrase when I am listening or thinking while yahooing ( chatting) with someone. recently somebody sent me a offliner, it was kind of nice.... made me "hmmm...." for while ( a little too sentimental though to suit my style)...but still I thought I should post it on my blog. so here it is.

"What would you do if every time you wanted someone they would never be there?, What would you do if for every moment you were truly happy there would be 10 moments of sadness?, What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to tell them how you felt?, So, I just wanted to say, even if I never talk to you again in my life, I look up to you, love you, and truly cherish you. You are special to me and you have made a difference in my life. Remember, everyone needs a friend"

Just Sathish, so simple.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Deja Vu.. Dreams :-)

Oooopppsss it just happened again..

This is crazy but I like it, I had the same dream again today morning ( you know, the one I wrote about a day back) and deja vu (and yet again in the afternoon).. :-)

Ok, but I am confused, Any of you freudians readers (The ones who have read the book "Intrepretation of dreams" or whatever), I would really appreciate if you could intrepret this and tell me what it means :-)-- Treat assured...

Sathish Phir se..